The Telangana governor’s office informed the Supreme Court on Monday that three Bills passed by the state legislature have received assent, while two others are awaiting consideration and assent from the President. Solicitor General Tushar Mehta presented a communication from the secretary to the governor of Telangana to the bench, which recorded that assent had been given to The Telangana Motor Vehicles Taxation (Amendment) Bill, 2022, The Telangana Municipalities (Amendment) Bill, 2023, and The Professor Jayashankar Telangana Agricultural University (Amendment) Bill, 2023. The University of Forestry Telangana Bill, 2022 and The Telangana Universities Common Recruitment Board Bill, 2022 are among the Bills reserved for consideration and assent from the President. The court noted that two Bills are under active consideration of the governor, while one has been submitted but requires clarification. The matter has been posted for further hearing on April 24.
Supreme Court reports that Telangana governor grants assent to three bills
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