The Telangana government has approached the Supreme Court to direct Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan to make a decision on the Bills pending with her. The Governor has passed three legislations, sent two others back to the state government, forwarded two Bills to the President for her assent, and kept three others with her. The Bills which the Governor cleared, sent back, and forwarded to Rashtrapati Bhavan remain unclear. The government is believed to have passed Telangana Forest University Bill, Jayashankar Agriculture University Amendment Bill, and Telangana Women’s University Bill, while the Governor reportedly sent Azamabad Industrial Area Amendment Bill and Telangana Motor Vehicle Tax Amendment Bill to the President. The state government had filed a writ petition to the Supreme Court stating that 10 Bills are pending with Raj Bhavan, and pleaded the court to declare as illegal, irregular, and unconstitutional the delay by the governor. This is the second time that Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) has approached the apex court against the Governor.
“Telangana Governor Approves Three Bills Out of Ten Pending for Passage”
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