Two individuals from Hyderabad’s Saroornagar were arrested by Yadadri police for illegally flying their drone to capture images of Yadadri Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy temple. Nakkala Sai Kumar, 22, and Yarlagadda Manish Kumar, 21, were taken into custody after the police seized the drone from them. The temple authorities alerted the police after they saw drones flying over the temple premises, even though filming via drone has been banned.
The Yadadri Inspector S Saidaiah stated that the two individuals were flying drones without permission from the authorities. With the help of temple staff, Special Protection Force personnel searched for the accused and nabbed them from near the bus station on the hill shrine. Enquiries revealed that they were pursuing a course in cinematography and decided to capture enlightened shots of the temple.
The police have filed a case based on a complaint from the Deputy Executive Officer (DEO) of the temple. It is essential to follow rules and regulations when flying drones, especially in sensitive areas like temples. Flying drones without permission can lead to legal action and cause harm to others. It is important to respect the privacy and security of religious sites and avoid any activities that could cause harm or disruption.
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