On Sunday, a male passenger arriving from Dubai was arrested by Rajiv Gandhi International Airport customs officials for carrying 454 grams of gold worth Rs 21,20,180. The gold was discovered during a luggage scan and was concealed in the form of screws and rods (64 screws and 16 rods) of trolley wheels. The customs officials seized the gold and registered a case. The investigation is ongoing.
Similarly, on March 4, Hyderabad Customs seized 12 cut pieces of gold bar and gold chain weighing 807.10 grams worth nearly Rs 50 lakh. This seizure occurred when a male passenger arriving from Doha at 08.45 am was searched. The officials found the gold concealed inside a chargeable torch light. The passenger was suspected, searched, and the gold was seized by Hyderabad Customs.
These incidents highlight the vigilance of airport customs officials in preventing illegal smuggling of valuable items such as gold. It is important to note that carrying such large amounts of gold can be a violation of customs regulations and may result in legal consequences. The authorities will continue to investigate and take necessary action against those who break the law.