On Sunday, Sharad Pawar, the chief of the Nationalist Congress Party, questioned whether a person’s educational qualifications should be a political issue in a country dealing with unemployment, law and order issues, and inflation. This statement came in response to rumours that were started by his recent remarks on Adani. The Aam Aadmi Party raised the matter, and Manish Sisodia, a jailed AAP leader, penned a letter from Tihar arguing that the nation needs an educated individual as the prime minister.
In 2016, the central information commissioner requested that information be disclosed to AAP leader and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal regarding Modi’s academic credentials under the Right to Information Act. However, the Gujarat High Court overturned this decision. In response to Sharad Pawar’s statement, a BJP spokesperson asked everyone to focus and obey the Gujarat HC and their own ally. He also referred to Arvind Kejrival and Manish Sisodia as corrupted individuals.
The spokesperson further added that he wonders if some leaders of Congress, Uddhav Sena or AAP will attack him again and call him names or abuse him. He hopes that they will listen to the Gujarat HC and their own ally too. The spokesperson emphasized the need to speak about the corruption degrees of people like Kejriwal and Manish Sisodia on which courts have ruled again and again.
In conclusion, Sharad Pawar questioned whether a person’s educational qualifications should be a political issue in a country facing various challenges. His statement was in response to rumours surrounding his recent remarks on Adani. The BJP spokesperson responded by urging everyone to obey the Gujarat HC and their own ally and emphasized the need to address corruption issues.