A tragic accident occurred on Sunday morning in Chiryal, Medchal district, resulting in the death of a young man named K Vamshi from Ambedkar Nagar of Rajapet mandal. Vamshi and his friend B Suman were riding a motorcycle with family members when they lost control and collided with a culvert. Unfortunately, Vamshi passed away at the scene while Suman was taken to a nearby hospital for medical attention.
The previous night, another fatal accident took place in Petbasheerabad involving a DCM and a car. According to the police, the car was travelling from Kompally to Medchal when it crashed into a stationary DCM. Two young individuals in the car lost their lives instantly. The incident occurred at approximately 3 a.m.
Upon receiving notification of the accident, authorities arrived at the scene and transported the deceased to a government hospital for post-mortem examination. A case has been filed, and an investigation is currently underway.