GHMC Mayor Gadwal Vijayalakshmi spoke to female students at the Government High School for Girls in NBT Nagar on Sunday, addressing the importance of openly discussing periods. She urged the girls to shun old ways of managing periods and embrace modern methods, such as using sanitary pads and paying attention to personal hygiene. Vijayalakshmi emphasised that periods are a natural and biological process, and every girl goes through it. She highlighted that pain is also attached to periods, but girls should face it and continue attending school.
During the event, Vijayalakshmi inaugurated a sanitary pad vending machine and an incinerator with Ritu Shah, chairperson of FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO). The function was held at NBT Nagar Girls Highschool at Banjara Hills on Saturday evening, and FLO under its ‘Sustain her health’ initiative donated both machines and pads. The organisation will continue to provide pads free of cost for the benefit of the girls.
Ritu Shah also spoke to the girls, emphasising that no one should skip school due to periods or related pain or uneasiness. Education is equally important, and girls should not let their periods hold them back. Dr Sweta Agarwal spoke about menstrual hygiene, physical wellness, and the three rules of periods: paying utmost importance to hygiene, using sanitary pads, and disposing of used pads hygienically. She also encouraged the girls to talk openly about periods and recommended eating fruits such as watermelon and cucumber.
Kanika Jain spoke about mental wellness, highlighting that each girl is prone to menstrual-related stress. She suggested coping mechanisms such as home remedies, taking medicine when the pain becomes unbearable, and playing outdoor sports to deal with stress. Anita, the headmistress of the school, also participated in the event.
Overall, the event aimed to break down taboos surrounding periods and encourage girls to openly discuss and manage their menstrual health.