Prime Minister Narendra Modi celebrated the Golden Jubilee of the Tiger Project by visiting the Bandipur tiger reserve in Chamarajanagar district. Dressed in safari attire complete with hat and goggles, Modi went on a wildlife safari in an open jeep and was fortunate enough to spot a tiger and other animals. Accompanied by nine vehicles, the Prime Minister will also be visiting an elephant camp in Theppakadi in Mudumalai tiger reserve in Tamil Nadu where he will honor Bomma and Belli, a couple who saved a baby elephant and won an Oscar for their documentary film Elephant Whisperers. Unfortunately, Modi fans are unable to meet him due to the Election Code of Conduct. The National Highway has been blocked and entry to the Ooty Gate of Gundlupet is prohibited. Despite this, Modi arrived in Bandipur in a special helicopter wearing a jacket with the Tiger Reserve logo and a t-shirt resembling the forest department uniform.
“Prime Minister Modi embarks on a wildlife safari to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of the Tiger Project”
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