Raghav Chadha, an AAP MP, has written to Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman to request compensation for the losses suffered by farmers in Punjab due to unseasonal rainfall. Chadha visited several fields and spoke with farmers to assess the damage caused by the rains. The farmers expressed their misery to Chadha and gave him samples of their destroyed crop, urging him to inform the Union Finance Minister about it. Chadha was moved by the farmers’ hardship and quickly wrote a letter to Sitharaman on the spot, detailing the losses and delivering samples of the damaged wheat crop. Chadha informed Sitharaman that the rains had damaged 40% of the wheat grown in Punjab during the Rabi season, leaving farmers in distress. While Chadha praised the Punjab government’s response, he feels that the Central Government must also take responsibility for compensating Punjab’s farmers, given the state’s significant contribution to the nation’s food security. Chadha advised Sitharaman to consider offering a special package to Punjab to recompense farmers more effectively for their losses.
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