G Madhusudan Reddy, the president of Mahabubnagar DCC, has criticized Devarkadra MLA Ala Venkateshwar Reddy, accusing him of being deeply involved in corruption and colluding with the sand mafia to loot natural resources. According to Reddy, the MLA’s actions have hindered development in the constituency. As part of the Haath Se Haath Jodo Yatra, GMR visited Nandipet village in Devarkadra constituency and spoke to residents about the anti-people policies of both the State and Central government. He also highlighted the past developments of the Congress party and discussed their future plans for development if they come to power in the State. GMR and TPCC organising secretary Konda Prashant Reddy later distributed Congress party enrolment insurance cards to activists.
Possible rewritten title: Sand mafia allegedly colludes with Devarkadra MLA Ala Venkateshwar Reddy
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