The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, is scheduled to visit the state of Telangana on December 14, 2021. However, his visit is likely to be met with protests from the workers of Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL), a coal mining company owned by the state government. The Singareni workers have been protesting against the privatization of the coal mines and are expected to intensify their agitation during the Prime Minister’s visit.
The workers of Singareni have been protesting for the past month against the privatization of the coal mines. The government’s decision to privatize the mines has met with opposition from the workers, who fear that it will lead to job losses and a decline in their living standards. The Singareni workers have been demanding that the government withdraw its decision to privatize the mines and ensure job security for them.
In anticipation of the Singareni protest during the Prime Minister’s visit, the Bhoomi Rakshana Samithi (BRS), a non-profit organization that works for the protection of land and natural resources, has been preparing for a potential impact. The BRS has been supporting the Singareni workers’ protest and has been mobilizing people to join their cause. The organization has also been coordinating with other civil society groups to ensure that the protest remains peaceful and does not disrupt public order.
In conclusion, the Singareni workers’ protest against the privatization of the coal mines is likely to intensify during the Prime Minister’s visit to Telangana. The workers fear that privatization will lead to job losses and a decline in their living standards. The Bhoomi Rakshana Samithi has been supporting the Singareni workers’ protest and has been preparing for a potential impact during the Prime Minister’s visit. It remains to be seen how the government will respond to the Singareni workers’ demands and whether their protest will have any impact on the government’s decision to privatize the coal mines.