Dr K Laxman, a BJP parliamentary Board member and MP, has criticized the Telangana government for its undemocratic actions. Laxman, who is also the national president of the BJP OBC Morcha, has accused the government of trying to silence anyone who questions its policies. He specifically mentioned the arrest of the State BJP chief Bandi Sanjay Kumar and stated that the public in Telangana is discussing the “leakage and package” government.
Laxman highlighted the issue of leaked question papers from the Telangana Public Service Commission (TSPSC), which has affected thousands of unemployed individuals who were preparing for the exams. Parents have spent large sums of money to support their children’s education and career aspirations, but their hopes were dashed due to the leak. This has resulted in angry protests by unemployed students who feel let down by the government.
Laxman also mentioned reports that the BRS chief offered packages to opposition parties to take on BJP and Narendra Modi in the parliamentary elections if he was made the chairman of the opposition parties. These actions have made the BRS unpopular in Telangana, and Laxman and Bandi Sanjay Kumar are fighting for the interests of unemployed individuals and students.
Laxman criticized the government for stifling opposition voices and even journalists who question its policies. He warned that if Bandi Sanjay Kumar is not released soon, they will launch a state-wide agitation from tomorrow. As an MP, Bandi Sanjay Kumar has the fundamental right to attend parliament while it is in session.