The upcoming Bollywood film, Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan, features a star-studded cast of top Telugu actors. The movie will also mark the Bollywood debut of Shehnaaz Gill and Palak Tiwari, and will feature a special appearance from Tollywood actor Ram Charan. Directed by Farhad Samji, the film is set to release in theatres on April 21, in time for Eid. Recently, a song from the movie called Yentamma was released, featuring the entire cast dancing to the catchy beats. The song also includes a revamped version of the hook step from the Oscar-winning song ‘Naatu Naatu’ from RRR. The film’s first song, Bathukamma, was released on April 1 and celebrates Telangana’s state festival. It features Pooja Hegde, Venkatesh and others celebrating the colourful festival.
Ram Charan makes a cameo in Salman Khan’s latest movie: Watch it here
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