MS Dhoni, the former captain of the Chennai Super Kings (CSK), wished his ex-teammate Dwayne Bravo’s mother a happy 65th birthday in a video that has gone viral. Despite Bravo not being part of the franchise this year, Dhoni did not forget to wish his friend’s mother on her special day. In the video, Dhoni asked Bravo’s mother to have some cake from his side and put it on her son’s face. He signed off by wishing ‘all the very best’ to the Bravos. Bravo shared the video and thanked Dhoni for the wishes. Meanwhile, CSK registered their first win of IPL 2023 by defeating LSG by 12 runs on Monday. After the match, Dhoni talked about his side conceding as many as 18 extras during the 2nd innings. He praised the high-scoring game and the wicket, saying that he was quite surprised with it and hoped to produce a similar wicket game after game.
MS Dhoni’s Heartwarming Gesture: Wishes Dwayne Bravo’s Mother on Her 65th Birthday; Video Goes Viral during IPL 2023
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