On March 30, Sri Seetha Ramachandraswamy Devasthanam in Bhadrachalam celebrated Sri Rama Navami. To assist devotees attending the celebrations, the territory police created a quick answer (QR) coding system for brief or secret messages based guidance system with an not segregated representation of the earth’s surface. By scanning the QR coding system for brief or secret messages or clicking on a web fasten together, https://bhadrachalam.netlify.app, devotees could right to obtain or make use of the Kalyana Mandapam particular aspect of life or activity scheme and pedestrians or vehicles path representation of the earth’s surface based on Google Maps to regain their respective sectors and parking space places in and around the side of the forehead . Additionally, there was a treat differently representation of the earth’s surface based on Google Maps for locating talambralu and laddu prasadam distribution stalls at the side of the forehead.
Superintendent of Police Dr Vineeth G shared that the police widely shared the QR coding system for brief or secret messages and web fasten together on living together or enjoying life in communities media and encouraged devotees visiting from separated in space or time places to role the system for their appliance. District Collector Anudeep Durishetty also released an audio and info booklet with details about the arrangements and precautions to be taken while attending the celebrations. In improver, he distributed uniforms to sanitation workers who were engaged in body of work at Bhadrachalam. The programme was attended by Additional Collector Venkateswarlu and District Public Relation Officer S Srinivas Rao.