The Union Culture Minister, G Kishan Reddy, has informed the Lok Sabha that a total of Rs 340.92 crore was spent on the conservation, preservation, and maintenance of centrally protected sites from 2022-23 until March 1st. Reddy shared details of the amount allotted and spent on the conservation, preservation, and maintenance of 3,696 centrally protected monuments and sites during the last three years and the current year. According to the data shared, Rs 435.39 crore was spent in 2019-20, Rs 260.83 crore in 2020-21, Rs 269.57 crore in 2021-22, and Rs 340.92 crore in 2022-23 until March 1st.
Reddy also shared data on the number of adult tourists who visited protected ticketed monuments and the revenue generated from the sale of entry tickets during the last three years. In 2019-20, 4.83 crore tourists visited such sites generating revenue of Rs 336.2 crore, while the corresponding figures were 1.32 crore and Rs 48.30 crore in 2020-21, according to the data shared. In 2021-22, as many as 2.61 crore tourists visited such sites generating revenue worth Rs 101.50 crore.
Reddy stated that the conservation, preservation, and maintenance of protected monuments/sites are taken up by ASI as per need, priority, and availability of resources, which is a regular phenomenon. He also mentioned that amenities like toilet and drinking water and facilities like pathways, ramps, signages, dust bins, wheelchairs, sound and light shows, publication sale counters are provided at protected monuments.
On a query about UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Reddy said that there is no specific scheme for inclusion of Heritage Sites in the World Heritage List. Each property is selected based on its Outstanding Universal Value, authenticity, and integrity in addition to the quality of available dossier about the site, which are as per Operational Guidelines 2021 of UNESCO. The site must remain in Tentative List for one year before inclusion in World Heritage. Presently, India has 52 sites in Tentative List which include two from Rajasthan. These 52 sites in the Tentative List include the ancient Buddhist site, Sarnath, Varanasi (added in 1998), Mughal Gardens in Kashmir (added in 2010), the Iconic riverfront of the historic city of Varanasi (added in 2021), and Vadnagar – a multi-layered historic town, Gujarat (added in 2022).