The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Telangana will hold a “deeksha” at all district headquarters on Monday demanding the sacking of Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao’s son and state IT minister K T Rama Rao, who is allegedly responsible for the TSPSC question paper leak scam. State BJP president Bandi Sanjay Kumar made this announcement while addressing the party’s Scheduled Caste Morcha state executive committee meeting at the party headquarters on Sunday.
According to Kumar, all BJP leaders and cadres in all districts will take part in the deeksha from 10 am to 1 pm. The party will continue its agitation until KTR is dismissed from the cabinet and unemployed youth who lost their precious time and energy while preparing for the exam are compensated with Rs 1 lakh.
Kumar reiterated his allegation that KTR had a role in the question paper leak, which he claimed was a bigger conspiracy involving the Chief Minister’s Office (CMO). He accused a retired official presently working in the CMO and several other top authorities of having a role in the conspiracy.
Kumar wondered why KCR was maintaining stoic silence when 30 lakh unemployed youth had to face trouble due to the paper leak. He alleged that KTR was not bothered about issues in his own IT department, but spoke on issues of every other department.
Kumar assured unemployed youth that they need not worry about their jobs and that the BJP would take care of their interests when it comes to power in the next elections.
Kumar also described Prime Minister Narendra Modi as “Modern Ambedkar” and praised him for following the Antyodaya philosophy of Deen Dayal Upadhyay and initiating several revolutionary programs for the benefit of various sections with the slogan-Sab Ka Saath, Sab Ka Vikaas. He accused the KCR government of pushing the state into a debt trap by indiscriminately indulging in borrowing.
Kumar called upon the Dalit Morcha to take the lead and launch a campaign to bring the BJP to power.