Kaala Bhairava, the singer of this year’s Academy Award-winning song ‘Naatu Naatu’ from the movie RRR, has recently issued an apology for his “choice of words” in a thank you note he shared on Twitter. The note thanked several people who helped him land the opportunity to perform the song live on the Oscars stage along with Rahul Sipligunj. However, fans of RRR’s lead actors Junior NTR and Ram Charan were offended that their names were missing from the note and heavily trolled Kaala Bhairava. In response, the singer clarified that he was only naming people who helped him perform on the Academy Awards stage and apologized for any misunderstandings caused.
In his original note, Kaala Bhairava expressed his gratitude for having had the invaluable opportunity of representing team RRR and performing at the Oscars for the best original song category. He went on to mention several people who helped him get this priceless opportunity, including RRR director and his uncle SS Rajamouli, his father and the music composer of ‘Naatu Naatu’ MM Keeravani, and others. He also thanked Dylan Marchetti of Variance Films and others who helped in distributing and promoting RRR in the United States.
‘Naatu Naatu’ won the Academy Award for best original song on March 12. During the event, Kaala Bhairava and Rahul Sipligunj performed the song on the Academy Awards stage, accompanied by a group of dancers.