The Delhi Assembly’s budget session began with Lieutenant Governor V K Saxena’s address, listing out the government’s achievements and hopes for the future. Despite interruptions from BJP legislators demanding Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s resignation over alleged corruption, LG Saxena highlighted the government’s focus on education, resulting in improved learning capabilities and the construction of around 20,000 new classrooms. He also mentioned improvements to the health infrastructure with more than 16,000 beds being added and voter ID card-based health cards being provided. The transport department has made 33 services available online, and 1,500 electric buses have been added to the DTC fleet. The government is committed to creating a “green and lean” Delhi. CM Kejriwal acknowledged the obstacles faced by the city government but affirmed its commitment to working for the people. He emphasized the importance of respecting democracy and allowing the elected government to function.
LG provides comprehensive list of government achievements.
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