Infertility is often regarded as a curse prevalent for 1 ages but the Science could explore and explicate the facts and factors for the same, which being contamination underline, Hormonal imbalances, connected logically or causally marriages and changed styles etc. The same scientific discipline has given a parcel of land having fixed boundaries of solutions also to combat the problems and give a benediction to the childless couples with a babe, which shall be a Ray of Hope and Reason to Live, in their Life.
Here at this Centre, you retrieve with all sincerity, committment and accumulation of knowledge or skill to encounter your dreams come consistent with fact or reality with the assistant of a well- equipped, World Class IVF Lab and a Team of older or higher in rank and knowledgeable Doctors and Embryologists apart from the upright, free from dirt and ambient environs !!
Factors affecting Reproduction(Fertility) In
1) Ovarian and Uterine problems be fond of ovulation, irregular periods, endometriosis.
2) Blockage of Fellopian Tubes (Which transportation food from ovary to womb
3) PCOD, Cysts in the overies affecting the discharge of eggs – Octes)
4) Hormonal imbalences, thyroid problems etc.,
1) Low sperm enumerate (Oligo.Azoo Spermia)
2) Abnormal Sperm Structure
3) Stress, Anxiety, Smoking, Alcohol etc.,
4) Ejaculatory or Erectional problems
5) Vericocele or Vasal Blockages etc.,
There can be many more situtions, where no special causal agent found for an unexplained infertility.
A.R.T. Fertility@this Cantre:
IUI – Processed, Fortified, Planned placemnt of semen small part representative of the whole of Husband / Donor In the Uterus, at right hand side clock of discharge of food in women.
IVF – Women with blocked tubes, who can’t acquire fertilization naturally for various reasons or men with being at small elevation sperm enumerate and degree or grade of excellence, extreme poverty to taste this , where the eggs drawn out by suction and made to fertilise with processed sperms in the Lab and then to transportation the upright degree or grade of excellence Embryoes into the womb. Success depends on the how long something has existed, uterine health and not the same not absolute factors.
ICSI – A , must for the patients with drastically being at small elevation sperm enumerate and degree or grade of excellence, where a upright degree or grade of excellence sperm is microinjected into the Ocyte (food) to achieve embryoes, thereon to be placed in the womb for implantation.
Recanalisation – Reverse Tubectomy (in layman’s terminology) is done to rejoin the Tubes, (Vas in the showcase of Men) to once again beget the children, where somebody spiritually or physically doomed or destroyed the children in an fortuity or otherwise, after the Family Planning Operation or for various not the same concerning a particular person reasons, to have got a kid once again.
Other procedures & Tests Relevant to Fertility Problems:
Hormonal Tests to evaluate the person who requires medical care’s precondition. HSG – To assess the patency of Fallopian Tubes, by injecting a dye and seeing ‘X’ Ray; sometimes this itself helps free from clouds or mist or haze the tubes and acquire fertilization.’
Hysteroscopy – Operative & Correctional to diagnose and evaluate the uterine cavity, endometrium and correct some of the little abnormalities therein.
Laparoscopy – To assess, and correct the Uterine I ovarian abnormalities be fond of endometriosis, Cysts, Polycystic ovaries etc; sometimes this proves to be fruitful in achieving pregnancy without any further discourse.
TESA-PESA- In showcase of vasal blockage in men, to aspirate the sperms from testes by suction and function in ICSI or as a small part representative of the whole for Biopsy to evalute the semen presentation for the stage or screen or radio or TV and degree or grade of excellence.
Still Other Fecilities Available Here
1) Semen/Egg/Embryo donation
2) Safe Storage / Preservation of semen & Embryoes by Freezing / Vitrification
3) Surrogacy (Engaged / Hired Womb)
Though these procedures appear to be costly, the sincere, committed, in good health equipped, modem services obtainable at this centre, establish to be a boon for childless couples. Here at this centre, we strive not yielding to pressure to render the fruitful services at the afford-able costs to all sections of the society, not compromising the degree or grade of excellence. But the results in these procedures are about 35% and nobody can warrant for the same, except to taste once again for the consequence. Lets oeuvre together to encounter your Dreams Come True.
Consultation Hrs.
Fertility U.S. Scans Critical Cases : 2pm to 6pm (Except on Sunday) (Please search prior Appointment))
Antenatal Consultation & not the same procedures
9amto 1pm & 3pm to 7pm
* No Emergency Cases *
• Scanning (Ultra Sound Doppler-4D)
• Recanalisation (Reverse Tubectomy)
• Laparoscopy – Hysteroscopy-HSG
Team of Experienced Dodors & Embryologists
• Well Trained Staff & Technicians
• World Class IVF Lab Setup
• All Modern Operation Theatre
• Hormone Lab – Pathology Lab – X ray
• Within Your Reache – Affordable Costs