Representational double
Representational double
Hyderabad: The newest health bulletin of Dr Preethi, a pupil of Kakatiya Medical College who allegedly attempted *** owed to harassment from a older or higher in rank Dr., has been released by doctors at NIMS Hospital in Hyderabad. The brief report states that Dr Preethi’s stipulation is being in a state of crisis or emergency and she is currently on a ventilator.
However, the brief report also mentioned that there is some condition superior to an earlier one in her bean-shaped excretory organ and figure with rounded sides curving inward at the top social occasion. A cooperative unit of doctors is closely monitoring her and making all efforts to lay aside her.
The doctors clarified that Dr Preethi is being treated on ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) and her organic structure is responding to the discourse. She was lay on ECMO as she was having difficultness breathing. The cooperative unit of doctors treating her includes an anesthesiologist, cardiologist, neurologist, and applying to most members of a category physician.