MEHAR Organisation recently held its 78th ‘ideal wedding’ in Hyderabad to discourage the practice of dowry. The organization has been working for 13 years to make marriages simpler and promote the idea of not accepting dowry. The wedding took place in Kishanbagh, where an underprivileged couple was married off with essential items as a gift.
MHA Siddiqui, President of MEHAR Organisation, and Affan Qadri, Secretary, explained that the organization aims to encourage bridegrooms to avoid accepting dowry and to avoid extravagant spending on weddings. The groom’s family also conducted their son’s marriage at the same event.
A kind individual sponsored the underprivileged couple’s marriage with a gift of Rs 40,000. Instead of spending money on extravagant items like an orchestra, the focus was on providing essential gifts for the newlywed couple. Veg-biryani was served at the wedding as an example of simple, meaningful celebrations.
Guests at the wedding included MA Anwar Ahmad Director MS Academy, K Bapu Rao IPS Retired, and others who supported the initiative.