Railway stations across South Central Railway are now home to 77 ‘One Station One Product’ outlets, covering 72 stations. The scheme began as a pilot project at six stations for a month before expanding. SCR officials say the move has given high visibility to local products in Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka. In Telangana alone, 26 stations, including Hyderabad and Secunderabad, have 29 stalls featuring local products such as Narayanpet, Gadwal and Pochampalli sarees, forest collections, handicrafts, and Nirmal toys. The scheme is encouraging the sale of millet-based products.
SCR general manager Arun Kumar Jain said the scheme provides local artisans with an excellent opportunity to showcase their products. The railway stations are well placed to promote indigenous products that are popular in the area among passengers. Aarunya Handlooms, a self-help group from Narayanapet awarded an OSOP outlet at Secunderabad station, said the scheme had boosted sales to around INR3,500 ($47) per day. During festive seasons this rises to INR5,000.