A seven-year-old boy named Chotu was killed by a pack of stray dogs in Kazipet on Friday. The boy was from Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh and his family sells utility items. Chotu was attacked by the dogs when he went to use the bathroom near a children’s park in the Railway quarters of Kazipet. He died on the spot from his injuries. His mother and three siblings were very upset. His mother even fainted at the hospital.
The Greater Warangal Municipal Corporation’s Chief Medical and Health Officer, Dr M Rajesh, sent a team of dog catchers to the area to prevent more dog attacks. The Greater Warangal Mayor Gundu Sudharani and Chief Whip D Vinay Bhaskar met with Chotu’s family at the MGM Hospital and gave them Rs 1 lakh as immediate relief. They also arranged an ambulance to take Chotu’s body back to Uttar Pradesh. The Mayor asked officials to focus on sterilising stray dogs in the city.
The Kazipet ACP P Srinivas said that they registered a case Under Section 174 CrPC (natural death) and sent the body to MGM Hospital in Warangal for postmortem. In other recent incidents, a stray dog bit 29 people, and another seven-year-old boy was attacked by stray dogs while playing outside his house in Kasibugga.