The new Modi 3.0 Cabinet was sworn in on Sunday with five ministers from the Telugu states. G Kishan Reddy from Telangana and Kinjarapu Ramamohan Naidu from Andhra Pradesh are Cabinet rank ministers, while Bandi Sanjay Kumar from Telangana and Pemmasani Chandrasekhar and Bhupatiraju Srinivas Varma from Andhra Pradesh are MoS.
Naidu and Chandrasekhar took oath in English, while Varma, Kishan Reddy, and Bandi Sanjay took oath in Hindi. The Cabinet includes seven women ministers out of a total of 72 ministers. Most ministers took their oath in Hindi, with only 17 taking it in English.
Now that the Cabinet has been formed, people are eager to know about the portfolios. The Prime Minister is expected to assign portfolios on Monday, after which the team will start working. The first Union Cabinet meeting of Modi 3.0 is scheduled for Tuesday.