The state government of Hyderabad announced that it will finish hiring for two lakh vacancies by December 9, 2024. A Revanth Reddy, speaking at the Secretariat, explained that there has been a slight delay in releasing the job calendar because the Governor has not yet approved the resignations of TSPSC board members. Once the resignations are accepted, a new Chairman and commission will be formed. The appointments will be made transparently. As a result, the Group-2 exam will also be delayed and a new schedule will be announced after the new commission is formed. Revanth Reddy encouraged unemployed youth not to lose hope due to the delay. The Chief Minister clarified that there are currently no plans to impose a limit on the Rythu Bandhu benefit. A final decision will be made during the next budget session of the state Assembly. He also alleged that the previous government disbursed Rythu Bandhu amounts between December 28 and March 31, while the Congress government started the process in the second week of December.
200,000 jobs to be created by December 2024
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