In Jogulamba Gadwal district, the district police office was busy with complaints from the public. A public speaking program was organized where citizens could voice their grievances, with District Superintendent of Police, Srinivasa Rao, personally attending to the complaints.
Srinivasa Rao listened to the complainants and instructed officials to respond promptly and take legal action where needed. He assured victims of speedy justice for crimes. The complaints included land disputes, quarrels, possession of plots, destruction of cotton crop, forgery, harassment, and other matters.
The District SP advised resolving civil disputes through the court system. This proactive approach by the police showed their dedication to maintaining law and order and ensuring justice for all. By addressing complaints promptly, they aimed to build trust and security in the community.
The day’s events highlighted the importance of responsive governance and the role of the police in upholding justice and supporting the community.