The Election Commission of India (ECI) has taken action against the post-election violence in Andhra Pradesh by suspending and transferring senior officials, including SPs and District Collectors. The Commission held a meeting at Nirvachan Sadan with Chief Secretary Jawahar Reddy and DGP Harish Gupta. CEC Rajiv Kumar and ECs Gyanesh Kumar and Sukhbir Singh Sandhu expressed their displeasure over the violence and directed officials to prevent such incidents in the future.
The Commission reviewed cases and instructed the Chief Secretary and DGP to ensure timely filing of chargesheets against culprits. The State Government was directed to transfer the District Collector of Palnadu and suspend SPs in Palnadu and Ananthapuramu districts, along with 12 subordinate police officials. The SP of Tirupati was also transferred, and all suspended officials will face departmental inquiries.
A Special Investigation team was formed to look into the matter and submit a report within two days. The State Government’s request to retain 25 CAPF companies for 15 days after counting was approved. These companies will help control any potential violence after the election results are declared.
The ECI had called the Chief Secretary and DGP of Andhra Pradesh to explain the failure to contain post-poll violence. Incidents of violence were reported in various districts before and after the elections, involving assault, property damage, threats, and stone-pelting. The Commission is taking these incidents seriously and working to ensure a peaceful resolution.