President Droupadi Murmu unveiled a 12-foot statue of Mahatma Gandhi at the Gandhi Darshan premises in Rajghat. She emphasized that world peace can be achieved by following the path shown by Gandhi. She also inaugurated the Gandhi Vatika, which has statues of Gandhi in different postures.
During her address, President Murmu highlighted that Gandhi considered the whole world as a family and India is striving to promote global brotherhood, cooperation, and peace. She mentioned that India is leading the G20 and expressed hope that foreigners attending the summit will visit Gandhi Darshan to learn about Gandhi’s teachings.
President Murmu stated that Gandhi’s values and ideals have given a new direction to the world. She mentioned that influential figures like Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., and Barack Obama have acknowledged Gandhi’s path of non-violence as a path for global development.
The president believed that the Gandhi statues at Gandhi Vatika will inspire visitors, especially children. She urged everyone to make efforts in spreading knowledge about Gandhi and his ideals, emphasizing the importance of institutions like Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti.
Delhi Lt Governor VK Saxena and Gandhi Darshan Vice-Chairman Vijay Goel were present at the unveiling ceremony.