Over 200 people, mostly students from Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, have been evacuated from Imphal, Manipur due to recent riots between the Meitei community and Naga and Kukis. Among those evacuated were students from various universities and a family with a one-month-old baby. The students faced difficulties in their hostels without basic amenities like food and water. However, some students expressed willingness to return to their educational institutions in Manipur once the situation improves. Telangana Chief Secretary Shanti Kumari contacted her Manipur counterpart to ensure the safe evacuation of Telangana students. Two more flights are expected to arrive in Hyderabad with students and others. The situation in Manipur is slowly returning to normal with a few hours of curfew relaxation.
106 students from strife-torn Manipur return to Hyderabad
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