The GHMC Rajendra Nagar circle in Rangareddy has collected Rs.18.23 crores of property tax by April 30, which is more than the target of Rs.17.4 crores under the ‘early bird scheme’ launched by the civic body with a five percent rebate. This area is considered as the fastest growing enclave on the southern part of the city and consists of five divisions. The Deputy Commissioner S.Jagan said that the property tax collection was 104.7 percent of the target, and the collection increased from 20-30 lakhs per day to Rs.50 Lakhs to one crore per day during the last week till the last date of April 30. The community activists based at Rajendra Nagar believe that the tax collection may go up to many fold if it was done appropriately.
The area of Rajendra Nagar is one of the fastest developing enclaves on the city outskirts, with high rise buildings, growing trade and business activities, and numerous industries in Kattedan and surrounding areas. The official thanked the people of Rajendra Nagar for helping the civic body achieve the hundred percent target, which will strengthen the civic body economically and help it to take up development works on war footing. However, community activists believe that the tax collection may go up four times higher than the fixed target if it was done with sheer honesty, and there are several areas where neither the buildings are being constructed legally nor the tax assessment was done as per the rules. They also maintain that there is a stark contrast between the trade licenses issued by the civic body and the businesses operating in the circle.